The Wedding Notebook online magazine   destination issue

The Wedding Notebook Magazine July 2019 – Issue 27


The Wedding Notebook online magazine   destination issue

From the breathtaking blues of Santorini to sunsets overlooking the Venice canals, from a lush Australian vineyard to a cliff top wedding in Koh Samui – the wonders of Mother Nature never cease. We are so taken by the immense beauty found in this issue that we could gaze at the photos of these picture perfect destination weddings forever.

One of the best things about destination weddings is that often, the picturesque landscapes and stunning spaces are enough all on their own. This reduces the decorating workload so that bridal couples can focus on what really matters – their guests, and one another.

One need not travel far to experience the surreal beauty of some of these places, and the set of bridal portraits that were taken at Bromo in Indonesia is proof of that sentiment. Not only will a nearby destination be much easier to plan, you will also avoid jetlag. Finally, no (destination) wedding is complete without the perfect wedding dress, and we have plenty of suggestions from the latest bridal collections. Enjoy!

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