7 Type of Dates To Avoid When Planning A Wedding


Think of when you would like to spend your anniversary every year. We imagine your anniversary would be a great excuse for a short holiday, a quiet dinner and some quality time together. It should be during a relatively quiet month that isn’t too busy for you, and that includes your work peak periods.

Setting a wedding date is difficult enough, and it doesn’t help that everyone has an opinion about auspicious dates. However, you should avoid the following dates, not least because festive periods carry a totally different mood. Besides, the last thing you want is to make attending your wedding a chore for your guests or helpers. What do you think?

While it’s nice to have a number that is easy to remember, we would avoid these popular dates  since there will probably be a few weddings happening on the same day. And what that means would be, fewer venue and vendor choices.  Furthermore, your friends might have to choose between two weddings. Instead, pick a date that is significant only to the two of you.

2. End of The Year

Whilst offices close for the end year celebrations (Christmas and New Years) and many would be clearing their work leaves, there is a high chance that some of your guests will be away on holiday and therefore miss out on your event. Having coincide with the end of the year holidays, traffic in major cities would be also be a pain to navigate. Furthermore, with so many parties ongoing, there could be a chance where your guests or bridal party could be recovering from a hangover. The end of the year is also peak season for weddings, which not only means that you’ll have compete for your preferred vendor but you’ll end out with a less pumped or devoted team of vendors.

3. Valentines Day

Albeit sounding rather romantic, you’d want your annual anniversary celebration to be free of difficulty securing dinner reservations and overpriced flowers or gifts, which may prove to be frustrating in the long run.

4. Your Birthday

Your birthday should be all about you! Be selfish, and keep this day all to yourself. Also, having your anniversary and birthday on the same date just means one less gift… for you!

5. A Long Weekend

Unless you’re having a wedding weekend away, a long weekend is a busy time for potential guests. People will likely want to use it as an opportunity to get away with their families or friends. If you’re looking for a weekend that will give you more flexibility in terms of attendance and planning, consider choosing another time of year.

6. The Rainy Season

If you want to keep your wedding day as beautiful and stress-free as possible, we highly recommend avoiding the rainy season. While rain can be romantic and fun, it also brings along some unexpected challenges. Rainy days are notorious for getting in the way of outdoor events. And even if you have an indoor ceremony space, heavy rains can make it hard to get guests to arrive safely and on time. Because when you’re planning a wedding, chances are pretty good that you’re already dealing with a lot of stress. And when it rains during your wedding day… well, let’s just say that it can get a little bit worse than stressful.

7. The Fasting Month

Even if you and most of your guest are not fasting, it would be good to avoid throwing a wedding during the fasting month, especially if your vendor or banquet team may involve people that do. However, on the off-chance that it can’t be avoided, throw a dinner reception instead of lunch.


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