It’s interesting to realise that sketching actually has a lot of things in common with a love relationship. Every artist starts a sketch with certain guidelines, just as many enter a relationship with certain ideals and expectations. Nobody is perfect, but the longer you observe a person, in the same way that an artist adds detail and shading to a sketch, you will begin to see depth and beauty emerge.
A sketch artist never uses an eraser, just like how, in a relationship, you can’t go back to undo your mistakes. Inevitably there will be smudges or strokes that an artist doesn’t like, and when that happens, he can choose to stop, or keep going and make a beautiful picture out of it.
See this artist sketch his wife-to-be in this story that has been so beautifully put together by Axioo.
NOVI & HENDRA {Hong Kong}
Videography by Axioo / Location