Common Myths in Engagement Ring Shopping


There are many misconceptions that shoppers and salespeople alike continue to believe in and tell people about. Here are a few of them.

Myth #1: An Engagement Ring Should Cost The Buyer 3 Months of Salary

If you’ve ever heard this, don’t sweat: It’s an outdated “rule” popularised by an old marketing campaign. With the considerable variety there is in the market, engagement ring prices differ so much that it’s impossible to simply assign an estimated value to it in wages. The budget for your engagement ring should depend on your wants or needs, and not a fixed formula.

Myth #2: A Bespoke Engagement Ring is More Expensive Than Buying a Ready-made One

Contrary to popular belief, the “bespoke” and “made-to-measure” tags need not cater only to incredibly specific and expensive requests. Many reputable jewellers without an off-the-shelf ring that fits your needs would be happy to craft a custom-made one more suitable for your budget and design preferences.

Myth #3: Diamonds are Indestructible

Despite earning a reputation for being one of the most durable materials on the planet, diamonds can still chip or crack if constantly exposed to extreme temperatures or struck hard enough. Therefore, it is important to take good care of your engagement ring. Some jewellery stores offer lifetime cleaning and maintenance services, also helping to identify signs of wear and tear. Refer to this handy guide for a list of jewellers which do.

Myth #4: Fancy Diamond Shapes Are Better Than Common Ones.

While diamond shapes such as the brilliant princess cut or romantic heart-shaped cut are usually less common, that doesn’t necessarily make them better or decide a diamond’s value. The prices of fancy shapes depend on rarity, demand, and supply, and not whether a shape is inherently superior. Other factors to consider include which cut would best fit the ring overall, but ultimately, the prospective wearer’s personal preference should prevail.

Myth #5: Bigger is Always Better.

Just because a diamond is bigger doesn’t automatically make it the better choice for your engagement ring. Revisiting the 4Cs explained previously, there are many more determinants of a diamond’s value than size alone. Additionally, a diamond that’s disproportionately oversized for the ring it’s intended for might not look great, so don’t feel pressured to splurge on a diamond too large.

Myth #6: Fluorescent Diamonds are Bad.

Fluorescence is a property some diamonds have of naturally glowing under ultraviolet (UV) light. A diamond’s fluorescence can vary from none to very intense, and from colourless to blue or yellow. Fluorescence generally has no effect on a diamond’s everyday appearance to the general public unless strong enough to make a diamond look oily or cloudy, but less than 0.2% of fluorescent diamonds have such an extreme effect, so you needn’t worry too much about it.

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